All locations and branches of the Stanislaus Superior Court began accepting a variety of filings via the new portal summer of 2018. It is expected that the Stanislaus County Court will go Mandatory e-Filing in 2019. We'll keep you updated.
You can access the portal via our link here. Our online portal/service is court approved, secure, and HIPPA compliant.
As of December 2018 the court issued the following statement in regards to eFiling online in order to assist your firm:
General user information:
1. Please add party names in ALL CAPS.
2. Please do not add any document descriptions.
3. Please do not add "dba" to party names. The clerk will add the dba to the case management system.
4. If cases are consolidated, you must E-file into the lead (primary) case number.
5. When submitting a first paper for multiple parties, the document will need to be submitted in separate envelopes for each party. Currently, filing fees can only be assessed to one party per envelope.
Probate Estates/Trust cases:
1. Add the names of the Trustor, Petitioner and/or Trustee. 2. Do not add beneficiaries. 3. When a Petition for Probate of Will is e-Filed, a copy of the will must be submitted with a coversheet and the original will must be delivered to the Clerk’s Office no later than 3 weeks before the hearing. Failure to deliver the original will to the clerk’s office may result in your petition hearing being continued or dismissed.
